module T :
with type 'a Tag.t = 'a Dolmen.Std.Tag.t
and type Ty.t = Dolmen.Std.Expr.ty
and type Ty.Var.t = Dolmen.Std.Expr.ty_var
and type Ty.Const.t = Dolmen.Std.Expr.ty_cst
and type T.t = Dolmen.Std.Expr.term
and type T.Var.t = Dolmen.Std.Expr.term_var
and type T.Const.t = Dolmen.Std.Expr.term_cst
and type T.Cstr.t = Dolmen.Std.Expr.term_cst
The raw type-checker module.
The type of state used by the Make
val new_state : unit -> ty_state
Generate a fresh typing state.
val forbidden_arith_expr :
(Dolmen_type.Arith.Smtlib2.config * string) Report.Error.t
Error for arithmetic expressions that do not respect the specification (e.g. non-linear expressions, expressions not in difference logic, etc...).
val bad_arith_expr :
(Dolmen_type.Arith.Smtlib2.config * string) Report.Warning.t
Warning for arithmetic expressions that do not strictly conform to the specification (e.g. linear arithmetic), but are close enough that they should probably be accepted.
val unknown_logic : string Report.Warning.t
Unknown logic warning
module type Typer_Full = Typer_intf.Typer_Full
module Typer
(State : State.S) :
with type state = State.t
and type 'a key := 'a State.key
and type ty_state = ty_state
and type env = T.env
and type 'a fragment = 'a T.fragment
and type error = T.error
and type warning = T.warning
and type builtin_symbols = T.builtin_symbols
module type Typer = Typer_intf.Typer
module type S = Typer_intf.S
module Make
(Expr : Expr_intf.S)
(Print :
with type ty := Expr.ty
and type ty_var := Expr.ty_var
and type ty_cst := Expr.ty_cst
and type ty_def := Expr.ty_def
and type term := Expr.term
and type term_var := Expr.term_var
and type term_cst := Expr.term_cst
and type formula := Expr.formula)
(State : State.S)
(Typer :
with type state := State.t
and type ty := Expr.ty
and type ty_var := Expr.ty_var
and type ty_cst := Expr.ty_cst
and type ty_def := Expr.ty_def
and type term := Expr.term
and type term_var := Expr.term_var
and type term_cst := Expr.term_cst
and type formula := Expr.formula) :
with type state := State.t
and type env = Typer.env
and type 'a key := 'a State.key
and type ty := Expr.ty
and type ty_var := Expr.ty_var
and type ty_cst := Expr.ty_cst
and type ty_def := Expr.ty_def
and type term := Expr.term
and type term_var := Expr.term_var
and type term_cst := Expr.term_cst
and type formula := Expr.formula