type 'a t = 'a warning
The type of warnings, parameterized by their payload/parameters.
val name : _ t -> string
Return the name (short description) of a warning.
val mnemonic : _ t -> string
Return the mnemonic of a warning.
val print : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> ('a t * 'a) -> unit
Print a warning.
val print_hints : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> ('a t * 'a) -> unit
Print an warning's hints.
val print_doc : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> _ t -> unit
Print the (long) documentation of a warning.
val mk :
?code:Code.t ->
mnemonic:string ->
message:(Stdlib.Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit) ->
?hints:('a -> (Stdlib.Format.formatter -> unit) option) list ->
name:string ->
?doc:(Stdlib.Format.formatter -> unit) ->
unit ->
'a t
Create a new warning.
module Status : sig ... end